Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Don't let the title fool you. No. I didn't get some fancy strain called Strindu. I wish [if that even existed]. I got my hands on Strawberry cough and hindu kush this time around. Yummm! I got strindu by morphing the two strain names together. Clever, eh? lol

So, this post is a little different then the rest. As of November 4th, 2008 at 8:01pm, we have a new president of the U.S. He actually goes by the name of Barack Obama. I'd like to take this time to shout out ma boy! Word. lmao. History in the making! AND I purchased my 1st bong!! I was ecstatic! What a great Veteran's day, I'm glad I put it to good use! It's quite beautiful and I truly believe it suits me well. I must name it! Any ideas??

Anywho, I got a hold of some Strawberry Cough and if you ever saw Children of Men, you were as excited to have some as Keon and I were! This strain is sweeeet....literally! I'll be honest. The first time I had strawberry cough I wasn't too convinced for the mere fact that I felt a crash after smoking it. And I really hate that! Strawberry cough put me to bed, but only when I was lounging around! I learned that to fully enjoy the cough, you must be active! I was talking to some of my other friends that got it too and they got no crash, so I figured it must be me. lol.

The strain looks pretty. Nice, crystalized and with orange hairs all over! If you squint, you can almost see a little redish-pink [like a strawberry]. I wouldn't say it was dense. The 8th looked like an 8th [and it was! Wooo!]. As for taste...yum! Strawberry cough taste really gooooood! Like strawberries or berries in general. It has like a creamy berry taste as you're exhaling the smoke. It's almost like Strawberry Cough tickles my lungs with her creamy-sweet smoke, whose flavor resembles strawberry, berries or kiwi!! Mmmm!

The high was good and last a few hours. Very heavy in the h's a Sativa! Like I said, at first it made me crash! But once I got used to it, no more crash!! If you're active with it, you'll be good. It's almost like you balance it out...the effects with your works out. The smell is sweet. I'd say a mixture of earth and fruit. lol. Strawberry cough has a high potency for being a sativa...yeah, it fucks you up. The only real complaint I had as well as my trustee colleague Keon, was that it burns rather fast, unfortunately.

Price: $55/8th
Look: 7.7
Smell: 7.1
Taste: 8.7
High: 8.8
Overall: 8.0

And now for the hindu. Story with this strain: I wasn't even supposed to buy any more pot. I had enough to last me for a week or so, but the second I heard my boy had hindu kush, the purchase was made. I spoil myself too much.

Hindu kush just sounds amazing, doesn't it? All exotic and what not. lol. I absolutely love the way hindu kush looks. It's all fluffy and greeeeen! The greenest of greens! I love just holding it in my hand or just looking at makes my heart warm. It's
sticky-icky [lmao] and I love buds that leave my fingers with some sort of residue. It smells wonderful! Earthy, earthy, earthy! It also has that straight up kush smell. Like if someone were to open up a container of hindu kush in the same room as you, you'd know. The taste is earthy and spicy, and the smoke feels almost like hash. The kush taste is highly present as well and it gives the hindu a kick in your pipe.

The high you get is a powerful body buzz that starts in your head [brain!] and moves down, making your whole body tingle. In others words, by the time you realize're stoned! And I absolutely love that surprise attack it brings! BAM! The high tends to last for hours; about a good chunk of your day/night. Potency is high, no pun intended. hehe.

Price: $50/8th
Look: 8.7
Smell: 8.3
Taste: 8.0
High: 9.1
Overall: 8.5

Umm...I stumbled upon this in my High Times. I'm down. Check it out.

***The font got alllll funky on me. Sorry about that***